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MAKERS 2023 es un programa híbrido que brindará capacitaciones presenciales y virtuales a emprendedores de Guayaquil, Samborondón y alrededores. Las charlas estarán enfocadas en las 4Ps del marketing: Producto, Precio, Plaza y Promoción, y contará con expertos nacionales y miembros voluntarios de "Inspira Ecuador", comunidad de ex becarios de programas apoyados por el Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos.


Las personas que culminan el programa exitosamente recibirán un certificado profesional emitido por una Institución de Educación Superior del Ecuador. Adicionalmente, este programa cuenta con la guía de expertos que pertenecen a redes como la Red Global de Competitividad de Harvard Business School, Climate Reality Leadership Corps y Global Shapers Guayaquil.

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¡Si quieres mejorar tu producto y multiplicar tus ventas, aplica al programa

MAKERS 2023!

Requisitos para aplicar a
Makers - 1era Edicion

Ser emprendedores requiere que se sea un "todólogo" y muchas veces olvidamos lo más importante: mejorar nuestra oferta continuamente. Por eso, si eres un hombre o mujer que vive en Guayaquil, Samborondón o alrededores, aplica y gana una beca completa en este programa híbrido creado por expertos en marketing y ventas.


En esta edición tendremos una modalidad híbrida, por lo que además de revisar el contenido de la plataforma virtual, deberás:



Asistir 2 veces a las conferencias presenciales en Guayaquil y Samborondón (21 de octubre y 28 de octubre)

Hacer tus consultas en las asesorías personalizadas con expertos nacionales y miembros de "Inspira Ecuador"

Poner en práctica lo aprendido y vender tus productos en el mercadito "Makers Market" (18 de noviembre)

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Importante: En caso de vivir dentro o fuera de la ciudad de Guayaquil, usted debe cubrir con los gastos de movilización a las sedes donde se impartirán las clases presenciales obligatorias.

Las personas que culminen el programa exitosamente recibirán un certificado profesional emitido por la Universidad ECOTEC, sede en Samborondón donde se impartirán las clases presenciales.

We will once again have the support of the Guayaquill Mayor's Office for Women. This is the first Women's Directorate at the country level, and which was born in a pandemic context, for the implementation of projects with a gender focus. Their role will be to provide equalization to the participating women for the additional challenges they face as women leaders and to ensure equal participation in the program.

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Our scholars and mentors will be able to receive various gifts from Inspira Ecuador, Líderes Hub and our sponsors.

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First Edition Experts

Pablo Collazzo

With training in law and economics, plus postgraduate studies at Boston University (MBA) and ESADE (PhD). Recognized in the Harvard Competitiveness Network "Hall of Fame" by Michael Porter


José Sagarnaga

Clinical Assistant Professor, Wilbur Department of Business and Ann Powers College of Business, Clemson University. President of the International Team of the Governor of Oklahoma, USA.


Adriana Bonomo

Adjunct Professor at the Ithaka Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation and Faculty of Business Sciences   of the Catholic University of Uruguay. He is a country leader for the “Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students' Survey”.


Connie Jiménez

Governor of the Province of Los Ríos, since August 2022. She is an Agribusiness Administration Engineer, graduated from the Zamorano University of Honduras, and an MBA, with a mention in International Relations from the Tecnológico de Monterrey. He was born and raised in Ventanas. In 2016 she won the title of Miss Ecuador


Jose Antonio Hidalgo

Executive Director of the Association of Banana Exporters of Ecuador (AEBE). Vice President of Cordex. He is a Master in International Relations graduated from the University of Peking, China. He is co-founder of the company Annex Asia Sourcing & Asia Surveyors. He was a Professor at the Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil


Allison Romo

Allisson Romo, founder of Roots Natural Cosmetics, is an "Inspira Ecuador" alumni, participating in the YLAI - Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative 2022 program. She has more than 12 years of experience as an entrepreneur and has managed to sell her products in the US market.


Carmen Padilla

Doctor in Strategic Business Administration. Director of the Institute for Research and Innovation INECEM, UCSG. Professor affiliated with the Global Competitiveness Network at Harvard Business School.

Jodie Padilla

Founder of Leaders Hub. Inspire leader in Guayaquil of the alumni community of the Embassy and Consulate of the United States in Ecuador. Member of the World Economic Forum Network.


Vivianne Almeida

She presides over the first Directorate of Women (Mayor's Office of Guayaquil) of a Municipality of Ecuador. Previously, he was Manager of Plan Internacional Guayas.


Paola Andrade

Recipient of the UNICEF Medal: Champion for Children in 2022. Winner of the prestigious United Nations SDG AWARDS 2022 Award, among 150 countries. UN Women Ambassador.


Catalina Vera

Scholar of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the World Labor Organization (ILO). University professor at ESPOL and facilitator of Entrepreneurship and Innovation for her experience at ÉPICO.

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